In our homes, there can be various sources of lead exposure, as lead has been used in many products. It can be found in some toys, children’s jewelry, plates and glasses, cosmetics, playgrounds, vintage items, and paint.
As stated by the World Health Organization, the main source of lead poisoning is lead based paint. It can be found on the walls, window frames, doors, fences, porches, and stairs, especially in old houses built before the 1970s. When old paint deteriorates, lead dust spreads on the floor and surfaces of the house, causing a health hazard.

Fence: Like any wooden structure in your house, garden fences may contain lead paint. It can become dangerous if your children play around, and lead dust may contaminate the soil.
Water mains: Lead water mains can contaminate your family’s drinking water supply. Identifying these lead water mains enables to avoid drinking contaminated water.
Window Frames: Older homes may have lead-based paint on window frames. Window frames are critical parts of the house as they tend to deteriorate faster when we frequently open and close the windows.
Downspout: Even our roof contains lead. Rainwater can wash lead particles from the roof into your surroundings. Detect lead in your downspout to prevent contamination and maintain a lead-free environment.
Renovation: During renovation work, such as demolition or sanding, particles of lead can be released, posing a hazard to health. Minimize the risk by testing beforehand.
Playground: Lead paint can also be found on playgrounds. Children’s safety is a priority. Make sure their playground is a lead-free zone.
Window Frames and Deteriorating Walls: Older homes may have lead-based paint on window frames and walls. Detect lead with Lumetallix to secure a lead-safe environment, ensuring your loved ones are protected from potential lead exposure.
Plugs and Cables: Plugs and cables may contain lead, used to soften plastics.
Furniture: Your furniture, especially wood-made, may contain lead paint. When deteriorating, lead paint creates chips and dust.
Dishes: your dishes (old and new) may contain lead (lead paint, leaded crystal, pewter). Heat and washing may deteriorate them and lead may contaminate your drinks and food.
Toys: Many toys (new or made in countries with low regulations) contain lead. These toys are particularly harmful to children as they tend to put them in their mouths.